Tag: depression

Cortisol and HPA Axis Function in Major Depression

Written by James L. Wilson, DC, ND, PhD The World Health Organization lists depression as one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.[i] It is well known that stress can precipitate major depression and influences its incidence, severity and course[ii]. It is also known that many of the features of major depression potentially reflect dysregulation of… Read More »

PODCAST: An Integrative Approach to Depression (Mild to Moderate)

by Jim Paoletti, BS Pharmacy, FAARM, FIACP – Director of Education | Power2Practice     In this 12-minute podcast, Jim Paoletti discusses his favorite strategies for addressing mild to moderate depression by supporting healthy neurotransmitter and hormone balance.   Click the arrow below to listen…   This Podcast is Brought to You by Power2Practice — An essential system for Integrative and Functional Medicine practices, Power2Practice… Read More »